We love making movies

We are sometimes called crazy - we are: crazy about film making.  We like to use camcorders and video editing to create movies worth watching.

It is easy to take some video - your phone may do it, your holiday snaps camera probably does it, you may have a tiny vest-pocket video camera ... the trick is to know how to make it look as good as possible. That means knowing a few things about film technique. It means learning how to use your computer to edit the pictures and sound dumping the rubbish and highlighting the best bits.

Holiday Movies

We do make story films and documentaries, but most of us make one or two holiday videos each year. We're getting pretty good at it!

How?  Well we watch a lot of film by other members and people from around the world. We try to work out what works best. Now and then we have guest speakers who explain their way with film making or editing.


We have many competitions - they give us deadlines to work to. There is always the temptation to leave raw video on the shelf rather than editing it and making films.

Our latest in-house competition was won by Jessica Avon, whose experimental piece went on to get good results at national contests.

This website is only an example used in a course on building websites for AV groups and Video Clubs. The club and its members do not exist. You can find the tutorial pages at www.theiac.org.uk - where you can also find details about real clubs!